Book - Pet Owner's Guide to the Staffordshire Bull Terrier by Clare Lee

"Pet Owner's Guide to the Staffordshire Bull Terrier"
by  Clare Lee

First Published: 1988


80 pages - 1988

Publisher: Ringpress Books Ltd

ISBN: 1860540821 / ISBN-13 : 978-1860540820

Size: 21.5cm x 15cm approx

Weight: 245g approx

Book Description:

"The Staffordshire Bull Terrier, famous for its bold and fearless character, is one of the most popular terrier breeds, and this superbly illustrated guide is an indispensable handbook for the caring owner.

Learn all about:- Choosing a Puppy, Socialisation, Basic Obedience Training, Feeding and Exercise, Breeding a Litter.

Author Clare Lee has owned Staffords for more than forty years. She has bred numerous Champions in the UK and overseas and is an international Championship Judge."


Introducing the Stafford: Entertainment, Bull baiting, The sporting breed, The modern Stafford, Breed clubs, Characteristics (courage, Recklessness, Affinity with people, Strength, Aggression).

Choosing a Stafford: Misconceptions, Buying a Stafford, Dog or bitch?; Colour, Choosing your puppy, What to look for? The pedigree; One at a time, Choosing a rescue dog.

Puppy Care: Getting read, Arriving home, Daily routine, Puppy diet, House training, Inoculations, Early lessons, Indoor crate, Providing stimulation, Family pet, Adolescence (adolescent diet), Teething, Side-effects, Problems.

Training Your Puppy: Starting right, Establishing control, Training classes, Out and about, Over-exuberance, Tigers under the bed, Lead training, Recall, Dog aggression.

The Adult Stafford: Adult diet, Food supplements, Fussy eaters, The ideal weight, Grooming, Teeth, Ears, Nails, Health care, Tummy upsets, Seasonal cycle, Hereditary eye diseases, Eye conditions, Luxating patellas, Hip dysplasia, Epilepsy, The veteran.

The Show Dog: Temperament, Head, Body, Legs, Movement, Coat, Tail, Colours, Eyes and nose, Size, Entire dogs, Dog Shows.

Breeding Staffords: Assessing the parents, Choosing a stud dog, Mating, Care after mating, The pregnant bitch, Whelping quarters, Whelping, Newborn puppies, Post-whelping care, Weaning, Worming, Finding homes.


“Clare Lee was brought up with Staffordshire Bull Terriers. Her father owned the famous Constones kennel, and she went into partnership with him and her husband in the 1960s. Today, Constones is the oldest active kennel in the UK, with all its stock tracing back in a direct line to a bitch purchased by her father in 1942. The Lees have owned and bred many top-winning Staffords, the foremost being Ch. Constones Yer Man, who broke the breed record when he won his 19th Challenge Certificate, and was Best of Breed at the Centenary Crufts Dog Show in 1991.

Clare is a international Championship judge; she has judged Staffords at Crufts and has travelled worldwide on judging appointments.”


I would like to thank all the people who helped with this book, those who supplied photos, and especially those who gave their time - and were very patient - at the photographic sessions. Chief among these: Russell Marsh, Simon Hinchcliffe, Pam Smith, Harriett, Alice and Eliza Williamson, Rosemary Jackson, Gerry Holmes, Clive Couling, the Simmons family, Sharon Fletcher, John and Susan Chesters, John Turner, Chris and Carmella Mudd, and Shirley and Adrian Whiteman. Thanks also to Knaresbrough Dog Training Club and Val Rodgers for help with the agility equipment, to Les Lacey and Josh, and to Alan Raymond for allowing the use of his photograph to illustrate the Breed 'Standard. Finally, my thanks to my husband, Tony, for ideas, encouragement, and much-needed help with the proof-reading.

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