Book - The Staffordshire Bull Terrier Owner's Encyclopaedia by John F Gordon

"The Staffordshire Bull Terrier Owner's Encyclopaedia"

by  John F Gordon

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier Owner's Encyclopaedia by  John F Gordon

First Published: 1967

Hardcover / Dust Jacket

Publisher: Pelham Books Ltd (UK)

1st edition: 1967 - 252 pages : ISBN: N/A

2nd edition 1977 - 240 pages : ISBN: 0720709431

Product Dimensions: 14.5cm x 22.2cm approx

Book Weight: 470g (1st) / 435g (2nd)  approx

Book Description:

This comprehensive work is designed to answer the 1,001 questions asked by new owners of Staffordshire Bull Terriers and to form an easy reference book for novice and old hand alike to all things appertaining to their breed. Today, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier is an up-and-coming breed of dog, its popularity increasing year by year as is witnessed by the mounting figures at The Kennel Club.  His worth as a good utility dog, easy to rear and maintain, as a loyal companion and effective guard, honest in his outlook, a trustworthy 'nursemaid' to children, yet tough when the occasion demands, are characteristics which his owners accept as a matter of course.

Mr John F. Gordon, the author, is qualified to prepare this Encyclopaedia by a lifetime of experience in the breed, which he has judged on two occasions at Cruft's. An International Championship Show judge and early writer on the Stafford, he has had two highly successful monographs published and this Encyclopaedia will enhance his already world-wide reputation as an author and acknowledged expert on the breed.

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier Owner's Encyclopaedia is designed for quick and easy reference. It deals with every conceivable aspect of the Staffordshire - its ancestors, history, early art and literature, antiquities as well as noted dogs and their owners, famous kennels, bloodlines, sport, exhibition and breeding.

The cover photograph, by Sally Anne Thompson, shows the strong, honest head of a Stafford of mellow years.

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier Owner's Encyclopaedia
The Staffordshire Bull Terrier Owner's Encyclopaedia
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